Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Among All Else, Obama's a Murderer.

I first saw Baracka Hussein Obama at the same time that many Americans did, delivering the  keynote speech at the 2004 Dummycrap/Demoncat convention.  
Since that time, I have been artistically and accurately labeling Obama for who and what he is.  He is just another lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan Chicagoland lawyer...without a valid law license.  He's a Muslim Marxist megalomaniac.  He is a baseborn, bolshevik buffoon.     
He is a treasonous traitor who has vacated his oath of office on countless occasions.  It can now be declared with discernment the he is a mastermind of mayhem and mass murder. Obama's and Holders's 'Fast and Furious' program killed U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, along with countless Mexicans
Obama can testify to Univision all he wants that he and his thug bruh Holder had no knowledge of 'Fast and Furious".  The indisputable fact that refutes that is that both Obama and Holder are too totally egotistical to not be involved.    It's interesting to note that the Deputy Assistant Attorney General whom got the scapegoat assignment is a Jewish lawyer named Weinstein
When all of the facts come out, concerning the September 11th Muslim military attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Obama will be as much the killer of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Ty Woods as the Islamists firing the RPG's and mortars.

Happy All Hallows' Evening

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's the Most Important Reason to Elect Romney/Ryan

Perhaps the most important power granted to the President is the appointments of judges and justices, who serve for life.  Of the nine present Supreme Court Justices, four are in or beyond their seventy-fifth year, perhaps close to their end of life, or at least close enough to voluntarily retire, allowing Romney the privilege of appointing replacements for kooky Clinton liberals Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, wishy- washy  Anthony Kennedy, who had to be a disappointment to his appointing President, and Antonin Scalia, who has to be one of that same President's proudest accomplishments.
There is a passel of principled, Constitutionally conservative jurists throughout America, and many of them are from the principled, conservative state of Texas.  As vacancies present opportunities, Romney should tap these three Texans to occupy those SCOTUS seats.
Judge Mayfield
Chief Justice Jefferson may really like that title and might not want to lose it.  It would be tremendous if something were to unexpectedly occur necessitating the replacement of recent turn coat and traitor to Constitutionality John Roberts
Texas Supreme Court Associate Justice Dale Wainwright would be a prime and perfect pick for Romney to make, especially if looking for Breyer's successor.  Houston area Civil Court Judge Debra Mayfield will be touted as too young and inexperienced.  Her experience is more appropriate and applicable than that of Baracka Hussein's last appointment of krazy Kagan.    And Judge Mayfield is a practitioner of principled jurisprudence based in the philosophy that "good judges follow the law; they don't make the law."  Many will say that it is ludicrous to elevate a county level judge to the nation's highest court.  However, Debra Ibarro Mayfield is uniquely qualified to make such a leap, because of her in-depth experience in civil litigation on both the state and federal levels, in such areas as eminent domain.  She would be a shining beacon to the nation's Hispanic population that more is possible for them other than La Raza, MS-13, and The Latin Kings and Queens.
But before any of these fine people are appointed, Romney's first pick for SCOTUS  should be the elevation of  D.C. Appellant Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown.  Any jurist who can cause Senate Demoncats the headaches that Judge Rogers Brown has deserves and has earned a seat on the High Court.Like her colleagues Jefferson and Wainwright, her nomination will cause catcalls and numb skull name calling by the very individuals and groups who should be applauding such actions.  Prevaricating preachers Jackson and Sharpton will surely have nothing good to say about these good American Negroids
.    And there is no doubt that the National Association of Always Complaining People and the Congressional Black Caucus will complain about every one of these fine public servants, as they did and do about similar others, like Herman Cain and and Clarence Thomas.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Neither Answered Her Question of De Facto Universal Unionism

 Remember Katherine Fenton?  She's the 24 year old, pre-K teacher with a master's degree.   She's the fresh out of college, over-educated, under-intelligent, probable union member who is, in essence, a highly overcompensated, glorified baby sitter, looking after youngsters, who, until a relatively short time ago in America's history, were taught life's early lessons at home.  She's the...woman who attended college for presumedly six years to learn how to 'teach' three and four year olds in an educational system which doesn't expect its students to learn how to read until the fourth grade.  She's the one who read her cue card like Obama reads a teleprompter and asked the Presidential candidates the inane question concerning gender pay disparity, which wasn't really answered by either candidate.  In response to her question of  "In what new ways do you intend....?", Obama boasted of the first bill he signed into law and Romney went on about what he did as Governor.  Though each candidate's reply was relative to the question asked, neither was truly responsive.  Perhaps a better, responsively true statement would have been that pay parity is dependent on performance parity.  Compensation based on anything other than merit is trade unionism and fascism, if not socialism.
Obama's first signed legislation, the "...Fair Pay Act of 2009" sounds grand and great.  But I have always been wary of ANYthing based on fairness.  It is an arbitrary concept that cannot be quantified.  As I learned from one of my state school professors, whom I would confidently compare to any of Obama's or Romney's Ivy League instructors, "Nothing; and I repeat, nothing is fair."
Governor Romney's rambling reply of seeking and hiring women in numbers commensurate with the general
population.  He should have had the living visual aids ready to rise from the audience as he said, "These are the women whom I shall appoint and hire as part of my Presidential Cabinet, advisory staff and judiciary."

And he should have continued with, "And they will be compensated commensurably, as will the men I hire.  And I will utilize my position of President to promote that practice for the public and private sectors."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another Uneducated Educator Strikes Again

Much like Tonya Dixon-Neely, the dumb mass Dummycrapic teacher at North Rowan High School here in North Carolina, a Philadelphia high school teacher has gone off on a student for daring to express an opinion opposing her beloved King Barry Soetoro.  This teacher, whose identity is being kept secret, went even further than Dixon-Neely by telling student Samantha Pawlucy that Charles Carroll High School is a dummycrapic school and that wearing a Romney Ryan tee shirt is equivalent to promoting the Ku Klux Klan.  
Parents claim high school teacher bullied their daughter
It's a safe bet that this is indeed just another dumb mass Dummycrap who's never been educated to the fact that the Klan was founded as the paramilitary arm of her beloved Dummycrap/Demoncat party.
Principal Joyce Hoog's message on the school's web page pledges to provide an academic environment where learning can flourish, providing the instruction and guidance required to enable students to succeed and reach their goals.  I suppose that that is true, as long as those goals are keeping a Muslim Marxist in The White House.
Since this story has gone viral, so to speak, and the school district is conducting an investigation to determine if disciplinary action is necessary, the teacher is back pedaling as hard as she can, saying that it was a joke.  But as lunatic liberals have no sense of humor, it was no joke, and as this teacher is another unionized Negroid and Samantha is Caucasoid, it's another safe bet that if there is any disciplinary action taken, it will be taken against the student.