Daniel Inouye was perhaps the epitome of professional politician, serving on Capitol Hill from the very first day of his state's admission to the Union. Before Hawaii's statehood, Inouye was a territorial politician. He was a lifelong, lunatic liberal Dummycrap largely responsible for the appropriations of trillions of dollars in federal funds over the past three years, succeeding fellow lifelong, lunatic liberal Demoncat and pro politico, Robert KKK Byrd.
He was part of the Watergate committee, and the Iran Contra investigation, giving us the term of shadow government. He was a key member of the infamous Gang of 14, the first of the Senatorial gangs of this number and that number.
For the past couple of years, he has held the title of Senate President Pro Tem, by virtue of being the senior senator of the majority party, putting him third in line to the Presidency. Now, following Senator Inouye's death, that title and responsibility have resolved to Patrick Leahy of Vermont, perhaps most famous for being told by Vice President Dick Cheney "to go f^@% (him)self."
We are stuck with the same President in big eared, baseborn bolshevik buffoon Barry Soetoro, and the same primary successor in jerk headed Joe Bite Me Biden
In the hope that something befalls these bolshevik buffoons and for the sake of rescuing the Republic from these two idiots and their ilk, we need, need, desperately need a new secondary successor. John Boehner has been Speaker of the House for two years and has shown himself to be a cry baby, a capitulator and a full failure as the people's chief Representative. He is a pu$$y in pink and pastel neckties. The only good thing that I can think to say about him is that at least he's not another lackey lawyer. If he were, maybe he'd know how to negotiate with the African attorney, so that he wouldn't be Obama's bend over boyfriend.
He was only able to assume the Speaker position because of the Tea Party takeover in the 2010 mid-term elections. From the beginning of his term to the present, he and his House leadership lackeys have snubbed the Tea Party conservatives of the Repulsican Party while subjugating their conservatism to the liberalism of the Dummycraps/Demoncats. We have to figure that he is largely, if not solely responsible for the removal of conservatives from key committee assignments in favor of fellow RINO's. He HAS to be relegated back to being just another career Congressman with absolutely no additional authority.
I urge each and every one of you to urge your Congressperson, as I am mine, to rid us of this ridiculous rascal and replace him with Michele Bachmann. a consummate conservative with a whole lot more testicular fortitude in her ovaries that Boehner has ever held in his scrotum.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Demographics of the Subway Murders
It will be a big deal that Sunando Sen was murdered in the second degree as a hate crime because he was thought to be Arab Semetic Mallatoid. You know, a Muslim.
It won't be a big deal that he was killed by an Hispanic Mallatoid named Erika Menendez. It might become a big deal that she is Catholic, if she is, as most Hispanic Mallatoids are. Menendez probably failed in her mission, as Sen was probably religiously Hindu, as most natives of India with a name like Sunando Sen are. But in her madness, Menendez did achieve her misdirected mission, in her own misinformed mind, as she says that she hates Hindu's as well as Muslims for the 9-11-01 attacks on America. For the life of me, I can't remember or recall any evidence or innuendo of any Hindu Hindis' involvement in that attack, or any subsequent attacks, like 9-11-12, in the miserably misnamed War on Terror.
The first of December's deliberate acts of evil in the subway was perpetrated against a Mongoloid man from Korea by a Negroid named Naeem.
It won't be a big deal that he was killed by an Hispanic Mallatoid named Erika Menendez. It might become a big deal that she is Catholic, if she is, as most Hispanic Mallatoids are. Menendez probably failed in her mission, as Sen was probably religiously Hindu, as most natives of India with a name like Sunando Sen are. But in her madness, Menendez did achieve her misdirected mission, in her own misinformed mind, as she says that she hates Hindu's as well as Muslims for the 9-11-01 attacks on America. For the life of me, I can't remember or recall any evidence or innuendo of any Hindu Hindis' involvement in that attack, or any subsequent attacks, like 9-11-12, in the miserably misnamed War on Terror.
The first of December's deliberate acts of evil in the subway was perpetrated against a Mongoloid man from Korea by a Negroid named Naeem.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Obama/Biden Have NOT Been Officially Reelected
All we did on November 6th was to vote for 538 fellow Americans who shall gather together in their respective states and the District Of Columbia on Monday, December 17th to vote for President and Vice-President. These 51 tallies shall then be sent to The Capitol, where, tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 7th, 2013, before a joint session of Congress, to be counted and tabulated, after which it shall be officially declared as to whom has been elected President and Vice-President. By November 6's results, we can assume that Barack Hussein Obama and jerk head Joe Biden shall win 332 to 206 to remain President and Vice-President for four more horrifying years.
There is a hope for salvation from this demise and death of our Republic. If sixty-four or more Obama/ Biden electors were to become 'faithless electors' by being faithful Americans, by voting for Romney/Ryan, the country could be saved from the destructive onslaught of Obamacare, inordinate tyrannical taxation, unbridled socialistic spending and Islamofascism.
In more than half of the past sixteen elections dating back to the mid twentieth century, there has been one faithless elector, voting his or her conscious. This includes the 2000 election, when D.C. elector Barbara Lett-Simmons cast no vote in protest of what she called The District's "colonial status". This allowed George W. Bush to win by five votes, rather than four.
Further back in our history, through the nineteenth century, there were numerous elections in which there were numerous faithless electors. Sixty-three of Dummycrap Horace Greeley's sixty-six electors voted for four other people. The three votes for Greeley weren't counted by Congress. Greeley had died between Election Day and Electoral College voting day. It was all moot, anyway, as U.S. Grant had 220 more electoral votes in a classic landslide Repulsican victory. My favorite faithless elector episode was during the 1808 cycle, when six of New York's thirteen member delegation voted their consciences in casting their ballots for fellow New Yorker George Clinton, rather than landslide winning Virginian James Madison. Faithless electors have never changed the outcome of an election, though one Vice-Presidential race was decided by a Constitutionally mandated vote by the Senate.
This year, 2012, America desperately needs all of New York's electors to vote faithfully to support their fellow New Yorkers, whom have been abandoned by Obama. Since his photo op with neighboring New Jersey's RINO Repulsican Governor Chris Christie on October 31st, two days after the storm hit, Obama has been too busy to do anything but campaign, and with the aid and abetment of the media, prevaricate his way into reelection.
George W. Bush was lambasted by the liberal press and the mindless masses for his slow response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. When Bush did get to New Orleans to see that dumb mass Dummycraps, Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco had accomplished nothing, he promised aid and assistance and it began arriving the next day
Whatever its flaws, the Bush FEMA never closed its office during the Katrina aftermath because of inclement weather, as the Obama FEMA office has. Absurdities and asininities abound in Sandy's aftermath. My favorite is Obama buddy union thugs rebuffing non-union, out of state workers wanting to help.
The twenty-nine chosen electors from New York and the fourteen from New Jersey are not legally required to vote as the states' populations did. If these party loyalists would look past their partisan politics to see how Obama has once again been the epitome of the lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan, Chicagoland lawyer without a law license turned professional political party opportunist, they might decide to be loyal to their nearby neighbors and the nation at large, rather than to the media manufactured mayhem making murderer and treasonous traitor, as he is being proven to be with the forthcoming facts concerning the attacks on our Benghazi consulate and the deaths of four Americans, including our ambassador.
This is the danger of political parties and party politics of which President Washington warned when he wrote in his farewell address that "the alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension...is itself a frightful despotism...(that) leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism." As Obama said, "Vote! Voting is the best revenge!" Washington warns further that "Sooner or later, the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty." That is Obama.
If these forty-three Americans would be as bright and brave as the New Yorkers and New Jerseyans of Revolutionary times, we'd be two thirds of the way to saving the country from Obama's omnipotent oppression, so similar to King George III's totalitarian tyranny.
I would also beseech the Virginian electors to rise above partisanship through principle. Commonwealth law says that its electors "shall be expected" to vote for Obama/Biden. It would be SO wonderful if this proud state's representatives declare that they can be expected to vote for someone who carried a majority of the popular vote in the vast majority of counties throughout the great expanse of the Commonwealth.
With that accomplished, only ten more electors would be needed from any number of the other states where electors are not bound by state law to vote for Obama/Biden. Maybe Maryland's ten electors could buck state law to vote in defense of their Obama ignored neighbors, who are still suffering from Sandy and who are being denied any aid and assistance from the administration. I know that there are principled people in Pennsylvania, Iowa and New Hampshire. I just don't know if there are any among those states' Dummycrap/ Demoncat electors. I can and shall hope. I can and shall hope for the type of fundamental change that the founders and framers made possible so that Americans of good conscience can do that which is necessary for the good of the nation. I'm just not sure that there are any Americans of good conscience or independent principle within the modern Dummycrap/Demoncat party, from hence these aforementioned electors come. "The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it."
There is a hope for salvation from this demise and death of our Republic. If sixty-four or more Obama/ Biden electors were to become 'faithless electors' by being faithful Americans, by voting for Romney/Ryan, the country could be saved from the destructive onslaught of Obamacare, inordinate tyrannical taxation, unbridled socialistic spending and Islamofascism.
In more than half of the past sixteen elections dating back to the mid twentieth century, there has been one faithless elector, voting his or her conscious. This includes the 2000 election, when D.C. elector Barbara Lett-Simmons cast no vote in protest of what she called The District's "colonial status". This allowed George W. Bush to win by five votes, rather than four.
Further back in our history, through the nineteenth century, there were numerous elections in which there were numerous faithless electors. Sixty-three of Dummycrap Horace Greeley's sixty-six electors voted for four other people. The three votes for Greeley weren't counted by Congress. Greeley had died between Election Day and Electoral College voting day. It was all moot, anyway, as U.S. Grant had 220 more electoral votes in a classic landslide Repulsican victory. My favorite faithless elector episode was during the 1808 cycle, when six of New York's thirteen member delegation voted their consciences in casting their ballots for fellow New Yorker George Clinton, rather than landslide winning Virginian James Madison. Faithless electors have never changed the outcome of an election, though one Vice-Presidential race was decided by a Constitutionally mandated vote by the Senate.
This year, 2012, America desperately needs all of New York's electors to vote faithfully to support their fellow New Yorkers, whom have been abandoned by Obama. Since his photo op with neighboring New Jersey's RINO Repulsican Governor Chris Christie on October 31st, two days after the storm hit, Obama has been too busy to do anything but campaign, and with the aid and abetment of the media, prevaricate his way into reelection.
George W. Bush was lambasted by the liberal press and the mindless masses for his slow response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. When Bush did get to New Orleans to see that dumb mass Dummycraps, Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco had accomplished nothing, he promised aid and assistance and it began arriving the next day
Whatever its flaws, the Bush FEMA never closed its office during the Katrina aftermath because of inclement weather, as the Obama FEMA office has. Absurdities and asininities abound in Sandy's aftermath. My favorite is Obama buddy union thugs rebuffing non-union, out of state workers wanting to help.
The twenty-nine chosen electors from New York and the fourteen from New Jersey are not legally required to vote as the states' populations did. If these party loyalists would look past their partisan politics to see how Obama has once again been the epitome of the lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan, Chicagoland lawyer without a law license turned professional political party opportunist, they might decide to be loyal to their nearby neighbors and the nation at large, rather than to the media manufactured mayhem making murderer and treasonous traitor, as he is being proven to be with the forthcoming facts concerning the attacks on our Benghazi consulate and the deaths of four Americans, including our ambassador.
This is the danger of political parties and party politics of which President Washington warned when he wrote in his farewell address that "the alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension...is itself a frightful despotism...(that) leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism." As Obama said, "Vote! Voting is the best revenge!" Washington warns further that "Sooner or later, the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty." That is Obama.
If these forty-three Americans would be as bright and brave as the New Yorkers and New Jerseyans of Revolutionary times, we'd be two thirds of the way to saving the country from Obama's omnipotent oppression, so similar to King George III's totalitarian tyranny.
I would also beseech the Virginian electors to rise above partisanship through principle. Commonwealth law says that its electors "shall be expected" to vote for Obama/Biden. It would be SO wonderful if this proud state's representatives declare that they can be expected to vote for someone who carried a majority of the popular vote in the vast majority of counties throughout the great expanse of the Commonwealth.
With that accomplished, only ten more electors would be needed from any number of the other states where electors are not bound by state law to vote for Obama/Biden. Maybe Maryland's ten electors could buck state law to vote in defense of their Obama ignored neighbors, who are still suffering from Sandy and who are being denied any aid and assistance from the administration. I know that there are principled people in Pennsylvania, Iowa and New Hampshire. I just don't know if there are any among those states' Dummycrap/ Demoncat electors. I can and shall hope. I can and shall hope for the type of fundamental change that the founders and framers made possible so that Americans of good conscience can do that which is necessary for the good of the nation. I'm just not sure that there are any Americans of good conscience or independent principle within the modern Dummycrap/Demoncat party, from hence these aforementioned electors come. "The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it."
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Country Is Split. Let's Split It
The specific logistics of millions of citizens and embedded others migrating can be worked out easily enough. The broad generalities are self-evident in the above map. The red states can be the Republican States of America and the blue ones would be be the Democratic States of America. And before the Blues start crying The Blues about the Reds getting too much land, I'd remind them that the country is really color coded like this:
Starting in the east, the four D.C. suburban counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William in northern Virginia shall be seceded from the rest of the commonwealth to become part of Maryland, or the new state of North Virginia or whatever. That new state could extend down the I-95 corridor, much like Mel Watts' 'black snake' Congressional district runs along I-85 here in North Carolina, to encompass Richmond and Henrico County, the commonwealth's other area of overwhelmingly Obamabotic liberalism.
NOTE: This state map is properly color coded, with Dummycrap/Demoncat counties depicted in communistic red.
Notice in the national map, that Florida is a unique hue of blue. Obama barely carried the state. It's governor, both of its legislative houses, and its Congressional delegation are Republican. Both of it senators would be if Demoncat Senator Nelson weren't such a master manipulator of the dumb masses. Get rid of the state's jerk head Jewish population, its idiotic elderly and the Angel Adams types with all of their baseborn bastard babies on welfare, Florida becomes red, red, reddest of them all..I'm reasonably sure that none of the Jews, elderly and Angel Adams' would mind being relocated to another warm clime, like southern California. New Mexico, or Hawaii, or some tropical US possession like Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, as long as they don't have to pay for the moving expenses. Of course, southeast Florida, including the Keys could be a non-contiguous, separated state unto itself, much like the Lunatic Left's beloved Gaza Strip. That way, all of those jerk headed Jews, other elderly idiots and all of the Angel Adams' wouldn't have to move. Of course, the area's large Cuban Hispanic population would want to relocate. Maybe they could exchange locales with the Obamabots in the Tampa Bay area. NOTE: This state map is properly color coded, with Dummycrap/Demoncat counties depicted in communistic red.
As for southeastern California, those thirteen counties which want to secede from The Golden State would be allowed to do so and join the RSA, allowing the RSA Pacific Ocean access. I'd like to hope that Long Beach might want to be annexed into Orange County and the RSA, as it is comparably more conservative than its northern neighbors in L.A County. The RSA would much more productively and profitably utilize that seaport than the DSA ever would.
. . It might be more representative to split the state along it's voting lines in this past election, changing the colors of Del Norte, San Diego, Imperial and San Bernadino Counties and letting Harry Reid loving, nutty, neighboring Nevada just annex Mono and Alpine Counties. I hate to surrender Del Norte County and its port city county seat, Crescent City to the DSA. It has been involved in secession talks with some of its neighboring northern California counties and and counties across the Oregon state line to form the new state of Jefferson, after our third President. There'd be no harm, I suppose, in creating a surrounded and isolated Gaza Strip type of state for the conservatives in the northwest, as I propose doing for the liberals in the southeast. And to prevent another liberal Gaza composed of the rest of Oregon and Washington state, the states of Idaho, Montana and North Dakota would need to give up a band of land along the Canadian border to form the new state of Imonkota to link liberal Washington and maybe more liberal Minnesota. I don't suppose that the RSA needs a border with Canada, other than the one with Alaska. There would be a direct link between Canada and Indiana through Lake Michigan, the only Great Lake fully within the borders of the United States. I suppose that that would necessitate declaring the middle of the lake to be international waters. NOTE: This state map is properly color coded, with Dummycrap/Demoncat counties depicted in communistic red.
wThe surrounded by red states Dummycrap states of Colorado and New Mexico create a quandary, relative to real estate contiguity. I hate to give up those two beautiful and bountiful states, but they have made their political preferences and proclivities obvious, with the exception of NM's great Governor Susan Martinez.
Maybe she'd want to move to Tampa Bay to work with the relocated Cuban Hispanics from Miami. The two states would be a modern day West Berlin of the Cold War era, without the need for a Berlin airlift.
From California, where this line of thought is perhaps most prevalent and pronounced, Governor Moonbeam's office pooh poohs the idea as 1860 secessionism. Maybe so. Maybe that's all that there is left to us in this 21st century Divided States of America. Maybe The Pledge of Allegiance is wrong...not about the "under God" part, but in the use of the word "indivisible", because of Baracka's decisive divisiveness.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
My Record Remains Intact
I have never voted for a winning presidential candidate. Introduced to presidential politics in 1964, by a father who was a lifelong committed Republican; the type I call a Rebooblican, I would have happily and honorably voted for Barry Goldwater over that foulest of foul men who have been President.
In 1968 and 1972, there was no way I could have or would have voted for either of the Dummiestcrap candidates of all of the Dummycraps nominated in my lifetime. Even with my youth, I already knew that Richard Milhouse Nixon was indeed a creep, if not a crook. Despite his negatives, George Wallace stated the ultimate truth during the '68 campaign with his truism that there's not a dime's worth of difference in the two major parties and their politicians. I would have voted for him and would have been patriotically proud to have been that one North Carolina elector voting for him in the Electoral College vote that year.
In 1972, Nixon was still a creep, as well as crook, having taken us off of the gold standard the year before. And George McGovern was that era's version of Howard Dean. If I had been age eligible, I would have voted for American Party candidate John Schmitz, as I did vote for his running mate, Thomas Jefferson Anderson, when he took that party's top slot in 1976, my first presidential election as a twenty year old.
By the bicentennial year election, I had learned the evils of party politics from George Washington's Farewell Address, and the extreme evils of two party politics from personal observation. As an idealistic new American voter, I could not cast a ballot for a fumbling, bumbling, interior line football jock turned career Congressman or an over-educated, under-intelligent boob of a bolshevik who couldn't accomplish what his beer addled, alcoholic brother, Billy, did on a constant and consistent basis: produce a profit from the family farm. I voted for a successful farmer and profitable publisher possessing real conservatism. I was proud to join 158,270 other citizens, including one third of one per cent of North Carolinian voters in supporting an American, rather than a Repulsican or a Dummycrap.
By 1980, my knowledge had become common knowledge that Jimmy Carter was the inept idiot I had known him to be since meeting him at a Baptist revival. Between the '76 and '80 elections, I lived awhile in Los Angeles, in an apartment complex right under the main approach to LAX. The only two pink faces in that community were mine and a good ole Georgia boy named Charlie McCoy. The day that Carter flew into town, just a couple of hundred feet right over our heads, the neighbors gathered around the pool to wave to Jimmy and wish him well. Charlie and I shook our fists and cursed him. Our brown faced neighbors were perplexed as why two southern boys who were supposed to like Jimmy didn't. We explained that it was because we were southern boys who knew Jimmy for the jerk that he was and still is. As much as I couldn't vote for a failed peanut farmer, I couldn't vote for a B grade actor and actors' union leader. Though Reagan was undoubtedly the better of the two, he was a lesser of the two evils, being part of the party practices. I was glad to cast my first of several Libertarian votes. In so doing, I voted for one of the now reviled, right wing extremist Koch brothers, as he was the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Libertarians that year.
In 1984, it was a long, foregone conclusion that Reagan was going to win reelection over wimpy Walter and his gal pal Geraldine. I was furious with political parties powers that be, when they managed to exclude all other candidates from the ballots in North Carolina. I wrote in the Libertarian candidate, David Bergland..
The 1988 election made apparent to me the improprieties of party politics. A risen through the ranks Repulsican and a Rebooblican running mate versus a super dooper uber liberal and a ladder climbing liberal As I surely couldn't vote for those party poltroons, I surely couldn't vote for the first Negroid and first woman to gain Presidential ballot access in all fifty states with her hard leaning leftist New Alliance Party. NC kept the Libertarians off of my ballot that year, but it was an easy choice to join 1,262 fellow North Carolinians in writing in the name of brash and brilliant Dr.Ron Paul.
The two elections of the 90's gave me Ross Perot, in whom to believe, especially as an Independent in '92. As the Reform Party candidate in '96, he wasn't as believable as Libertarian Harry Browne, as that party regained ballot access in NC.
Harry was the Libertarian candidate again in 2000, and earned my vote, as did David Badnarik in 2004.
In 2008, there was no way in hell and Hades I could vote for John McCain't or the baseborn boshevik Muslim Marxist. That was the year my party became the Liebertarians, just another professional political party of no principles, beginning their trend of nominating has been, also ran Repulsicans. I made up my own Individualist Party and wrote in its candidates of Gen. Colin Powell for President and businessman Herman Cain for Vice-President
This year, I thought that finally, I was going to have a good choice rather than just another choice of the lesser of two evils. But in the end, knowing the intensity and importance of this race, I held my nose and did what my dad said always do: vote a straight Repulsican ticket. At least I can say that by doing so, I helped my state not make the same mistake again with our fifteen electoral votes.Note: This map is properly color coded, with communistic red for the Demoncat and blue for the Repulsican.
In 1968 and 1972, there was no way I could have or would have voted for either of the Dummiestcrap candidates of all of the Dummycraps nominated in my lifetime. Even with my youth, I already knew that Richard Milhouse Nixon was indeed a creep, if not a crook. Despite his negatives, George Wallace stated the ultimate truth during the '68 campaign with his truism that there's not a dime's worth of difference in the two major parties and their politicians. I would have voted for him and would have been patriotically proud to have been that one North Carolina elector voting for him in the Electoral College vote that year.
In 1972, Nixon was still a creep, as well as crook, having taken us off of the gold standard the year before. And George McGovern was that era's version of Howard Dean. If I had been age eligible, I would have voted for American Party candidate John Schmitz, as I did vote for his running mate, Thomas Jefferson Anderson, when he took that party's top slot in 1976, my first presidential election as a twenty year old.
By the bicentennial year election, I had learned the evils of party politics from George Washington's Farewell Address, and the extreme evils of two party politics from personal observation. As an idealistic new American voter, I could not cast a ballot for a fumbling, bumbling, interior line football jock turned career Congressman or an over-educated, under-intelligent boob of a bolshevik who couldn't accomplish what his beer addled, alcoholic brother, Billy, did on a constant and consistent basis: produce a profit from the family farm. I voted for a successful farmer and profitable publisher possessing real conservatism. I was proud to join 158,270 other citizens, including one third of one per cent of North Carolinian voters in supporting an American, rather than a Repulsican or a Dummycrap.
By 1980, my knowledge had become common knowledge that Jimmy Carter was the inept idiot I had known him to be since meeting him at a Baptist revival. Between the '76 and '80 elections, I lived awhile in Los Angeles, in an apartment complex right under the main approach to LAX. The only two pink faces in that community were mine and a good ole Georgia boy named Charlie McCoy. The day that Carter flew into town, just a couple of hundred feet right over our heads, the neighbors gathered around the pool to wave to Jimmy and wish him well. Charlie and I shook our fists and cursed him. Our brown faced neighbors were perplexed as why two southern boys who were supposed to like Jimmy didn't. We explained that it was because we were southern boys who knew Jimmy for the jerk that he was and still is. As much as I couldn't vote for a failed peanut farmer, I couldn't vote for a B grade actor and actors' union leader. Though Reagan was undoubtedly the better of the two, he was a lesser of the two evils, being part of the party practices. I was glad to cast my first of several Libertarian votes. In so doing, I voted for one of the now reviled, right wing extremist Koch brothers, as he was the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Libertarians that year.
In 1984, it was a long, foregone conclusion that Reagan was going to win reelection over wimpy Walter and his gal pal Geraldine. I was furious with political parties powers that be, when they managed to exclude all other candidates from the ballots in North Carolina. I wrote in the Libertarian candidate, David Bergland..
The 1988 election made apparent to me the improprieties of party politics. A risen through the ranks Repulsican and a Rebooblican running mate versus a super dooper uber liberal and a ladder climbing liberal As I surely couldn't vote for those party poltroons, I surely couldn't vote for the first Negroid and first woman to gain Presidential ballot access in all fifty states with her hard leaning leftist New Alliance Party. NC kept the Libertarians off of my ballot that year, but it was an easy choice to join 1,262 fellow North Carolinians in writing in the name of brash and brilliant Dr.Ron Paul.
The two elections of the 90's gave me Ross Perot, in whom to believe, especially as an Independent in '92. As the Reform Party candidate in '96, he wasn't as believable as Libertarian Harry Browne, as that party regained ballot access in NC.
In 2008, there was no way in hell and Hades I could vote for John McCain't or the baseborn boshevik Muslim Marxist. That was the year my party became the Liebertarians, just another professional political party of no principles, beginning their trend of nominating has been, also ran Repulsicans. I made up my own Individualist Party and wrote in its candidates of Gen. Colin Powell for President and businessman Herman Cain for Vice-President
This year, I thought that finally, I was going to have a good choice rather than just another choice of the lesser of two evils. But in the end, knowing the intensity and importance of this race, I held my nose and did what my dad said always do: vote a straight Repulsican ticket. At least I can say that by doing so, I helped my state not make the same mistake again with our fifteen electoral votes.Note: This map is properly color coded, with communistic red for the Demoncat and blue for the Repulsican.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Romney Was and Is Right About the 47%
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